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    Monday, May 14, 2007

    My reality

    I had a dream.

    I was in Mumbai again. He and I were walking down the road where we used to take our midnight stroll - the same road I’d fallen in love with during my visit…the field, so much bigger without the children and the chaatwalas…the trees bathed in a warm yellow glow from the street lights…the hushed-up murmurs of the security guards – their faces smiling in relief on spotting familiar faces…the noise of traffic so afar…
    Moonlit sky and just a slight breeze that made me snuggle up to him. As always, he put his arm around my waist.
    He smiled.
    (*sigh*…the dimple.)
    We didn’t speak. We didn’t need to speak.
    I don’t think we were intent on reaching anywhere at all…

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