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    Thursday, May 17, 2007

    The smiles

    I've spent the last three years cursing my college and almost everything about it.
    These are the people who made it worthwhile...

    Isn't it wonderful how you always remember every little story behind every single photograph??

    Monday, May 14, 2007

    My reality

    I had a dream.

    I was in Mumbai again. He and I were walking down the road where we used to take our midnight stroll - the same road I’d fallen in love with during my visit…the field, so much bigger without the children and the chaatwalas…the trees bathed in a warm yellow glow from the street lights…the hushed-up murmurs of the security guards – their faces smiling in relief on spotting familiar faces…the noise of traffic so afar…
    Moonlit sky and just a slight breeze that made me snuggle up to him. As always, he put his arm around my waist.
    He smiled.
    (*sigh*…the dimple.)
    We didn’t speak. We didn’t need to speak.
    I don’t think we were intent on reaching anywhere at all…

    Saturday, May 05, 2007

    For you...

    I’m uninspired and couldn’t care lesser. I have GOT to study, I even want to study…so I sit with my books and pick up a pen. Well, that’s about it. *note to myself: PROCEED!

    I miss the late night whispers
    From the one voice I’m so used to;
    I miss the silly, cute voices,
    I just simply miss you.
    I miss seeing you smile
    And the dimple that followed next,
    I miss the ‘mid-lecture stares’
    And the hearts doodled on every text.
    I miss the very brazen flirting-
    Unaware and ignorant of everything!
    I miss that look in your eyes
    I miss the blush that it would bring.
    I miss the accidental brush on my arms
    And all the unexpected endearing words
    I even miss listening to your songs
    Which, a thousand times I’ve heard!
    I miss the way you frown in confusion
    And bite your lip in playfulness;
    I miss the long comforting hugs
    That could kill every ounce of stress.
    I know I’ve cursed you countless times,
    Cursed the fact that you made me cry
    And every time I told you I hated you
    I want you to know I told you a lie.
    I miss the joy and laughter you brought,
    As well as the occasional verbal knives!
    I miss the excitement you brought in my life,
    Without you I don’t feel quite alive.
    I know there’s a lot more to come,
    Memories after memories due-
    But now I can’t really help myself,
    I just simply miss you.