Am I just being too naive...are people really right about you? Or do I just know you so well that I don't need to listen to others? I can't decide belief in you seems so shaken. I've fought for you all the time but this time I'm failing miserably. My heart refuses to accept that you of all people could be calculative. Yes, you did catch me at my weakest time...and you knew very well that I needed you more than anyone else....and you, as every other time, were there for me. I don't want to believe that was out of motive...I didn't see it then, it seemed to me like you were giving me time and space to consider your feelings...but instead, everything you told me, everything you did made me weaker and for the first time in my life I was insecure. At such a juncture, I just couldn't bear the thought of losing my best friend. I've never been insecure or jealous...could that mean something? I decided too quickly that it did.
I understand how you feel and why you might have calculated your moves...but does that make it right? I don't know. I was so dazed, your "plan" worked perfectly on me...but is it right to lay out a trap to "lure in" the one you love? I don't know that either. You know me better than anybody will I ever believe that everything that is happening is not calculated? How will I believe that you won't continue playing on my weaknesses?
If the fear of losing the one you love makes you think and device foolproof plans...then I'm not even sure if you can call it love...
9 years ago
7 afterthoughts :
absolutely right !!
I agree fear is only posbl in one-sided love ...!
hey..gr8 gr8 words put up....
Gud work..
btw...thnxx for droppin in ma blog..
U bet on it....I was pretty fcked up when i wrote about hyderabad...
Hope u get iMAX in kolkata soon... ;)
Ive blogrolled u..
Keep in touch..
nice one.. one such betrayal can leave a person of any sex in tatters..
my blogs:
I somewhat agree to what you and the people here said about the betrayal and stuff...
But then you know what. I have seen people reacting outrageously when other people try to help them and they just force themselves to think that they arent actually helping them. They believe that the people are just trying to highlight their weakness and make them realize how looser-ish they are.
Thats just my take on it. I never expect HUGE amount of help from anyone. I prefer dealing with it myself. So all the help that pours in is like a bonus. And when it does..Life's like this!
well honestly's usually me who's offering the help rather than being at the receiving end...heehehe, i don't mean to brag but dat's how it USUALLY is :). i write to understand things better...n somehow after i do write it out, i do feel more relaxed and can think better.
but then again there r times wen nothing helps..
guess u can work on the rhyming...
andperhaps love is never one sided... its love and just love... but the mdoern definition has chanegd a lott...
so frankly speaking poeple dont understnd what sort of logic i beleive in...
welll let the posts pour in...
Betreyal hurts, doesn't it......
After reading the above comment, i dont know wat to say.....
Anyway, in (so called) modern love - sometimes such betreyals only happen for the better....
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